Friday, February 8, 2008

Hanging verse Boxed White/Cream/Brown Clothing

I have moved onto the next color for the clothes that are hanging up. All of the clothes are not hanging, most of the pieces are in fairly well labeled boxes. By working on the hanging ones first and trying to match some accession numbers it will be easier to section out what we have left to determine. The boxes may be better labeled with numbers attached then the ones hanging and will start a new section of colors.

After we go through all of the hanging costumes we will separate them by ones that have exact accession numbers, donors, or wearers and the ones we cannot figure out. This way when we begin the boxes and find those numbers the hanging ones will be left over to be either matched up or left a mystery. Right now there are a good amount of mysterious pieces because previous catalogers did not use correct cataloging methods or simply gave two word descriptions that do not lead to any conclusion of what piece it matches with, (For example there are Many white Lawn dresses with out any specific numbers or descriptions). This obviously makes things slightly difficult, but it has been interesting playing detective to try and figure things out. Hopefully as we go on and section off the things we do have accession numbers, it will begin the mathcing up process and give us more to go on.

For now I am still using the same description tag method with a new accession number and old. This is sometimes including an exact object ID number. I have been lucky to match a little more than half of the clothing I have already cataloged with old accession numbers and descriptions. This gives me hope that as I go along the process may become easier, as far as matching up goes.

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